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Acceleration Policy Clarifications Document

In May 2024, the IAGC and ISBE collaborated in producing the IAGC Leadership Summit: Unpacking the Accelerated Placement Act, a day long virtual workshop for Illinois administrators and program coordinators.    The Summit presented updates, details, and best practices and addressed numerous questions from attendees. 

While the Accelerated Placement Act provides guidance and requirements intended to open higher level learning opportunities to more kids, we know that it can also be confusing, overwhelming, and open to some interpretation and choice. 

It is from the expertise and advisement offered at the Summit that the IAGC collected the key points, questions, and advice into the Acceleration Policy and Procedures Clarifications, Support, and Guidance Document.

The IAGC offers this document to the many educators, administrators, and parents who are working to support advanced learners across the state of Illinois.  We hope it will provide you with tools that will help your community build a strong and supportive program for advanced learners at any age, and at every stage of their education.


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*Please note that the views expressed in the resources and articles posted on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the IAGC or an endorsement by the IAGC.

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Illinois Association for Gifted Children

1500 Sullivan Road
Aurora, IL 60506

Ph: 630-907-5047
Fax: 630-907-5976

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